You had it all planned out – the way life was going to be. But something unexpected happened on the way. Life happened. You set out to perform and get results. Win the prize. Instead, hardships came, detours happened, and your master plan got derailed.
Or did it?
What if your master plan was never supposed to be your plan, but rather, the Father’s? What if God’s plan for your life wasn’t about your material success, or fame and fortune and comfort, but rather, a more perfect plan of intimacy with Him and growth in character? Not your plan “A” or even a backup plan “B” – but a better plan for wholeness and wellness. A Plan Be.
The Mission of Plan Be is to awaken us to the beautiful plan God has for our lives – not one of striving and stress, but one of surrender to Him and a peaceful “active rest” in serving Him and others on this journey we call life. Through the guidance of seven “Be” Attitudes, we focus on intimacy with Jesus during our quiet time, and through journaling and prayer develop faith in His ways and the courage to take His heart into the world.